Ceremony for Thích Nhất Hạnh’s 3rd Anniversary

Chua Pho Tu / Compassion Meditation Center 17327 Meekland Avenue, Hayward, California, United States

Ven. Thích Tu Luc invites the community to a bilingual ceremony to commemorate Thích Nhất Hạnh on the third anniversary of his continuation. Schedule: Monastics Present: Compassion Meditation Center: Thầy


Shantideva Day of Mindfulness: True Love — FULL

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Morning Birds Sangha invites you to a Day of Mindfulness at Shantideva — bringing the Plum Village community in Northern California together for a chance to go as a river


Day of Mindfulness at the UU Church in San Francisco

Unitarian Universalist Church, San Francisco 1187 Franklin, San Francisco, California, United States

Hosted by Home Within Sangha Please register in advance for the Day of Mindfulness here. In gratitude to the UUSF for generously sharing their beautiful space, Home Within Sangha will host


Tea with Sister Dinh Nghiem

Dear NorCal sangha friend, You are warmly invited to a Zoom tea time with Sr. Định Nghiêm from New Hamlet, Plum Village, France. She has been spending some time in


Santa Cruz Mountains Day of Mindfulness

Udumbara Retreat Center / Duc Vien Tinh Uyen 21055 Summit Road, Los Gatos, CA, United States

Save the date for a Day of Mindfulness in the Santa Cruz hills at Udumbara Retreat Center. If you would like to be a part of planning, please contact Natascha:


Vesak Day of Mindfulness

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please join us for a bilingual Vietnamese-English celebration of Buddha's Birthday (Vesak), including the ceremony of bathing the Baby Buddha. More details TBA!


Shantideva Day of Mindfulness, hosted by Potluck Sangha

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please save the date for a Day of Mindfulness at Shantideva, offered by Potluck Sangha. More details TBA.

Vacaville Day of Mindfulness

Pho Tri Wisdom Meditation School 7233 Pleasants Valley Road, Vacaville, California, United States

Save the date for a Day of Mindfulness at Pho Tri Wisdom Meditation School. More information TBA closer to the date of the event.

Shantideva Day of Mindfulness

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please save the date on November 15 for a full Day of Mindfulness at Shantideva Monastery in Castro Valley. More details TBA.
