Dear PHS (Peaceful Heart Sangha) friends,
To continue showing our gratitude and honoring Thầy Nhất Hạnh’s Transition, we will have another special session this upcoming Sunday, January 30, 2022.We hope you stay peaceful with your compassionate heart in loving memories of Thầy.
Please see the Zoom link at the end of this email and join us Sunday, January 30 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm (California time). To connect with the energy of our dear beloved Thầy. We will together listen to various videos of Plum Village Community with the ‘Coming and Going in Freedom’ theme:
- Sr Tue Nghiem Guided Sitting Meditation
- Thay’s letter
- The Great Bell Chanting of Thầy & brother Phap Niem.
Our collective energy to practice mindfulness with these videos will be very powerful.
We also would like to invite you to share how you first met Thầy and /or the Plum Village Community and the benefits of your mindfulness practices.
Also as a reminder, please attend the Ceremony for Thầy at the Compassion Meditation Center, Pho Tu Pagoda in Hayward (17327 Meekland AveHayward CA 94541) on Saturday January 29 at 10:00 am.
At this event, you can receive this precious “Heart Mourning – Tâm Tang” pin if you want to receive it to wear and remember our beloved Thầy.

(“Coming and Going in Freedom” in Vietnamese from Plum Village Community)
Again here is the PHS Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 811 0280 2509 Password: connection
One tap mobile +16699009128,,81102802509#,,1#,706962# US (San Jose)+13462487799,,81102802509#,,1#,706962# US (Houston)
May you be Healthy, Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous, Safe and Free of obstructions (HHPPSF).
“Peace in oneself, Peace in the world” and “A Cloud never dies”- Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Tashi Delek (Tibetan greeting)
Chau Yoder