Santa Cruz Mountains Day of Mindfulness

Udumbara Retreat Center / Duc Vien Tinh Uyen 21055 Summit Road, Los Gatos, CA, United States

The Fourfold Community of Bay Area Sanghas is invited to a Day of Mindfulness in the Santa Cruz hills at Udumbara Retreat Center. The theme: Ease of the Heart -- Bringing Equanimity Into Our Daily Lives. Please see the flyer below for the details and to RSVP. More information will follow soon.


Vesak Day of Mindfulness

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please join us for a bilingual Vietnamese-English celebration of Buddha's Birthday (Vesak), including the ceremony of bathing the Baby Buddha. More details TBA!


Shantideva Day of Mindfulness, Hosted by New Gen Sangha

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please save the date for a Day of Mindfulness at Shantideva, offered by New Gen Sangha. More details TBA.

Shantideva Day of Mindfulness, Hosted by Hella Just Sangha

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please save the date for a Day of Mindfulness at Shantideva, offered by Hella Just & Compassionate Sangha. More details TBA.

Shantideva Day of Mindfulness, hosted by Potluck Sangha

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please save the date for a Day of Mindfulness at Shantideva, offered by Potluck Sangha. More details TBA.

Vacaville Day of Mindfulness

Pho Tri Wisdom Meditation School 7233 Pleasants Valley Road, Vacaville, California, United States

Save the date for a Day of Mindfulness at Pho Tri Wisdom Meditation School. More information TBA closer to the date of the event.

Shantideva Day of Mindfulness

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please save the date on November 15 for a full Day of Mindfulness at Shantideva Monastery in Castro Valley, led by lay Dharma teachers Lyn Fine, Denise Bergez, and Caleb Cushing. More details TBA.
