This Sunday: Recitation of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings + ARISE 5 Mindfulness Trainings

from Kenley Neufeld

Sunday, June 7, 2020

It is with a heavy heart and a fair amount of anger that I write to you today. While maintaining my quarantine, I am doing what I can do raise the voices of those unheard. To write. To listen. And be a little indignant.

With a bit of surprise, we had planned to have Keith serve as the facilitator in June. He is a member of the Still Water Sangha in St. Paul and has previously participated with the Blooming Heart Sangha in Minneapolis. It feels like a gift that he leads on Sunday.

Please join Order of Interbeing Members and Aspirants in our monthly recitation of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings. This event takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month at 6:30am (Pacific Time).

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Invitation to a Deep Listening Circle for Healing Our White Racism

from John Bell and Augusta Hopkins

June 10   

To my white friends in the practice, like me, I’m sure you were sickened by the callous killing of George Floyd, only the most recent. Alternating waves of anger, grief, feelings of powerlessness, sometimes numbness, and resolve have been flowing through me.

Black friends tell me that what they want from white people is mainly two things–for us to show up for racial justice, and to do racial education and healing work among ourselves and with our fellow white folks. This is our invitation and our spiritual challenge. This is Dharma work. The Dharma doesn’t promise comfort but it does promise liberation.

One step is to recognize and embrace the range of emotions inside.  I find this is best done with the care and support of others. Over the years in various settings, I have facilitated white awareness/eliminating white racism work with white people, including myself. Just this week I published a piece in *Medium* called “Honor and Relief in Healing Our White Racism
<>” which will fill in the back story if you wish to read it.

I would like to invite all Plum Village practitioners who identify as white to join together for a 90 minute *“Deep Listening Circle on Healing Our White Racism.”*  We will explore our suffering, upset, broken-heartedness around race in a safe setting, and separate from our friends of color. We will practice deep listening in pairs, small dharma sharing groups, and
whole group reflections.  Obviously, 90 minutes is a beginning but insufficient time, so there will be an optional continuation of these Deep Listening Circles for those who wish.

Continue reading “Invitation to a Deep Listening Circle for Healing Our White Racism”

We Are Called Forward – A Practice from ARISE Sangha

Dear Beloved Community,

Meeting suffering where it is – a path to freedom.

Centering the lives of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)  in our practices meets the suffering where it is and offers a path to freedom.  ARISE full-heartedly supports the “Five Mindfulness Trainings, New Paradigm for Racial Justice and the Global Pandemic,” an offering by Marisela Gomez and Valerie Brown.ARISE encourages all Plum Village practitioners to read and practice these Five Mindfulness Trainings.  We invite you and your Sanghas to read, study, and practice them.

A deep bow,
ARISE Sangha
Awakening Through Race, Intersectionality and Social Equity

Five Mindfulness Trainings, New Paradigm For Racial Justice and the Global Pandemic                                                  

Marisela Gomez and Valerie Brown

Let us open to a new and deeper way of understanding the Five Mindfulness Trainings, guiding principles for mindful and ethical living, which call us toward individual and collective awakening, compassion, and peace. We are aware that we are interconnected. What happens in Wuhan, China affects people in New York City. We are called forward. 

Continue reading “We Are Called Forward – A Practice from ARISE Sangha”

21-Day Workout: Sangha Body Building

Dear Respected Thay, Dear Community,

As a community of deeply caring and engaged people, a commonly heard struggle is how to keep stretching our bandwidth to an ever-increasing set of fundamental issues that urgently need attention, wise attention.  Our sangha practice provides a container, energy, support and collaboration to skillfully stretch our bandwidths.

Sugarplum Sangha wants to invite you to partake of any and all practices for our online offerings to bolster the mahasangha. This is our third 21 day retreat, held from June 7-28.

We chose the name during lighter times, “21 day workout: Sangha Body Building”.  In this moment, it seems so light hearted.  Our offering is to be able to go deep and maintain our grasp on joy/happiness, holding those in our two hands.

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Next Vacaville Day of Mindfulness: July 11

Dear Sangha Friends, 

    Best of these days for all beings.
    With consideration for causes and conditions, we will not be gathering this Saturday, May 30th, at Vacaville Wisdom Meditation School.
    Our next scheduled Day of Mindfulness is July 11th.      Should situations then preclude gathering in person, some alternative will be offered so that we may continue sharing these events.

Beneficial Journeys,

John Salerno-White 
Chân Địa An  
(True Peace on Earth)
John Salerno-White

Heart Sangha Sutra Class

Here is the information regarding an upcoming online sutra study class (co-taught by Dharma Teacher Jim Scott-Behrends)
Please share with your Sanghas.
Participants are not required to attend the whole course.

Awakening of the Heart

A series of courses in the essential Buddhist Sutras

Course One: The Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing

Jim Scott-Behrends will teach this 8-week course with Co-Host Zachiah Murray (Order of Interbeing Member). Our ZOOM class will begin with ten minutes of silent sitting followed by an exploration of the sutra and Dharma discussion. This sutra provides the basic path into the heart of the Buddha’s teaching.

Continue reading “Heart Sangha Sutra Class”

Homeward Bound: Virtual Retreat May 22-25

an online Retreat with Sugarplum Sangha

May 22 – 25
online and at home
suggested donation: $25 -$100

Co-creating a retreat at home over Memorial Weekend and connecting with friends on the path in new and creative ways. In this online retreat, we’ll enjoy:

  • Core Plum Village practices including: sitting, walking, working and eating meditation.
  • Live dharma talks on bringing meditation to life at home and cultivating resilience to adversity
  • Dharma Sharing to learn from and support each other
  • Chanting and songs to enjoy voices in unison and touch deep aspiration
  • Interplay and art to share our insight creatively and spontaneously
  • Beginning Anew Bingo – a fun game to nourish relationships
  • Five Mindfulness Trainings Adventure to explore and embody the Bodhisattva path

The retreat will be a combination of practicing together online and going forth right away into our homes to apply what we learn to living with kindness and freedom during this time of social distancing. The practices are facilitated by Plum Village Dharma Teachers, Order of Interbeing members, and experienced Sugarplum Sangha practitioners.

For more information, see

Online practice opportunities during shelter in place

During shelter in place, many sanghas have created online practice opportunities to replace their in-person meetings.

There are now so many opportunities for practice via Zoom (and other tools) that it became clear we needed shared document to keep track of them all.

This document is organized in three sections: sanghas/meetups that happen every day, sanghas that meet weekly, and additional resources / classes / days of mindfulness.

To access the document, click the link below.