Thay’s Transition – Opportunities to Practice Together

From Plum Village:

With a deep mindful breath, we announce the passing of our beloved teacher, Thay Nhat Hanh, at 00:00hrs on January 22, 2022 at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, at the age of 95.

Now is a moment to come back to our mindful breathing and walking, to generate the energy of peace, compassion, and gratitude to offer our beloved Teacher. It is a moment to take refuge in our spiritual friends, our local sanghas and community, and each other.

We invite you to join our global community online, as we commemorate Thay’s life and legacy with five days of practice and ceremonies broadcast LIVE from Hue, Vietnam and Plum Village, France, starting on Saturday January 22nd.

More information and livestream links:

We invite you to share your messages of gratitude or personal transformation and healing on our website:

You may want to sign up for email updates here: (this is “The Raft” newsletter from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation)

Read the full post.

Ceremonies for Thay

Ceremony for Laying Thay’s Body in the Casket

Please follow your breathing as high monks and Thay’s senior disciples accompany Thay’s body to the Full Moon Meditation Hall at Từ Hiếu Temple, in Huế. This short ceremony will be in Vietnamese.

This ceremony will begin at 8AM on January 23 in Vietnam (2AM CEST; 5PM on January 22 PST).

More information and livestream link:

Deer Park Monastery offered a ceremony on Friday evening. Here is a recording of it. There is currently a livestream of an altar honoring Thay at Deer Park. They may also be offering additional livestreamed events, in Pacific time zone. Check their website for more information.

Here are some local practice opportunities for the Norcal community:


The Heart Sangha in Santa Cruz will gather Saturday morning at 9:30 for outdoor walking meditation and a sharing circle to honor Thay’s life and continuation. All are welcome.

Saturday, January 22nd
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Mission Plaza Park, 103 Emmett St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

You may like to bring flowers or mementos to place on the altar.

Please bring a chair, blanket, or cushion and warm layers of clothing. OI members are respectfully asked to wear their brown jackets.

Nathaniel, Liz, Bodhi, and Amias will be hosting a short gathering of walking meditation and ceremony of 108 bells to honor the passing our beloved teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, today, Saturday 1/22, in the Ragle Park Peace Garden, Sebastopol (500 Ragle rd, Sebastopol) from 3-4pm.  

Please wear shoes that are conducive to walking on dirt paths and grass.  Please also bring a mask to wear, as I am not sure how many will join on short notice.  Children are welcome, of course.  Please feel free to share with friends that may like to join.


San Mateo Sangha will be meeting in person outdoors for sitting and walking meditation, and dharma sharing, at Central Park in San Mateo (near the flagpole), 8:30am Sunday.

Potluck Sangha is meeting via Zoom, 9:30-11:30am Sunday. For Zoom information, contact Caleb,

Flowing Waters Sangha is meeting via Zoom, 9:30-noon Sunday.

Wake Up SF is meeting in person outdoors at Precita Park, San Francisco, 11am-1pm Sunday. We’d like to invite you with open arms and hearts to our beloved Wake Up SF community in-person this Sunday (1/23) at 11am – 1pm to honor and celebrate the life of our dear root teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. We will meet at Precita Park in San Francisco for stationary meditation, walking meditation, and sharing about Thay’s impact on our lives.

There will be an altar with flowers and offerings for our teacher. Please feel welcome to bring something to add if you’d like.

After our formal practice, we will have an opportunity for lunch together. Please bring lunch or you can purchase one at a nearby cafe.

SF Sangha will host Outdoor Walking Meditation in Thay’s honor on Sunday @ 3pm.  Would love to practice together with all for whom it would be beneficial.  Meet at the Coleridge Mini Park in Mission/Bernal. Walking starts at 3:15 pm, up the stairs to the summit of Bernal Hill. Maybe walk the Labyrinth together at the top.

At 5pm, or so, we will be graced by the setting sun. What an apt way to honor Thay.

We’ll close with a standing circle of sharing our hearts and reflections on Thay and his transition, his life, and his continuation in us.

Peaceful Heart Sangha will have a Ceremony to honor Thầy’s transition, on Zoom, Sunday 3pm-4:30pm. We hope you stay peaceful with your compassionate heart in loving memories of Thầy. Please invite friends as you wish. 

Here is the PHS Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 811 0280 2509 Password: connection 

Family Sangha (Sally and Beem Wilder): You are  welcome to join us at our Sunday Night “Family Sangha”, starting at 7:00 pm PT on Zoom. Maybe you would like to share your own experience from reading his books, watching one of his videos, listening to his talks, or seeing him in person. This will be a time to meditate, experience the true meaning of Sangha, community, which holds us together in our grief and gratitude.
If you would like to include others to join in this memorial, please feel free to share this email and zoom link. 
Here is the link to the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 4384 7704
Passcode: 594043

Plum Village teachers Kaira Jewel Lingo and Sister Peace with Peggy Rowe Ward at SF Zen Center this February

Here is an announcement from SFZC that’s of interest to our community. Please share with your sanghas!

At San Francisco Zen Center, we have two online events coming up next month with teachers whose background or current teaching resides in the Plum Village tradition.

On February 12th, Kaira Jewel Lingo, a former PV monastic who received lamp transmission from Thich Nhat Hanh in 2007, will be offering a session of compassionate reflection titled Sankofa, Go Back and Get It

Kaira Jewel Lingo

On February 19th, Sister Peace from PV and Peggy Ward will be offering us stories and practices from the Thich Nhat Hanh tradition in an online workshop called Inside the Now: Body and Mind Drop Away

Sister Peace

You may find registration information at the links above. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. As a lay ordained practitioner in this tradition, I’m excited to share the dharma with other sangha members online. I am grateful to have the opportunity to bring practitioners from Plum Village and Soto Zen together as the Program Manager for the San Francisco Zen Center.

Please direct any questions to Brendan at

🍂 A Lazy Day of Mindfulness October 31 🍂

Linh Le, Chloe Wood and Dylan Tweney would like to invite you to a Lazy Day of Mindfulness outdoors, in San Mateo’s Central Park, on Sunday, October 31, starting at 9am.

This is a co-created event, and we are holding the agenda very loosely. What happens will be shaped by whoever shows up. 

Feel free to attend for whatever part of the day is supportive for you.

For details, the tentative agenda, and to sign up, please see this Google doc:

We hope to see you there!


photo of bare feet walking on the ground and flowing robes, with the words "Walk as if you were kissing the earth with your feet" - Thich Nhat Hanh

Gathas and Teachings for Peace in Troubled Times

When we walk with a lot of tenderness

and happiness on this beautiful planet,

we are living peace.” 

—Thich Nhat Hanh


Dear Friends,

Please join us for a Peacemakers’ Tea Ceremony.

This ceremony is an opportunity for us to come together as a sangha, to hear gathas whose aim is to support our practice of peace—both inner and outer, and to be nourished by our shared practice.

Date: October 10, 2021

Time: 7:00-8:30 PM

Place: On zoom. Please see zoom link below:

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 878 7815 4041

Passcode: 121348


Please RSVP:


Coordinating Committee: Jim Scott-Behrends, Lennis Lyon, dana lee mcfadden & zachiah murray


With the darkness of night sky holding the presence of the full moon and a bow of gratitude,


Diamond Sutra Course: Wednesdays Through Nov. 17

The Heart Sangha of Santa Cruz
and Mindful Peacebuilding
WITH Dharma Teacher Jim Scott–Behrends
AND Co-host, OI Member dana lee mcfadden
From September 22 to November 10, 2021
7:00 to 8:30 pm
We begin with a short sit followed by
an exploration of the Sutra and Dharma discussion.
Text and commentary are in Awakening of the Heart, by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Phone: 1 669 900-6833
Meeting ID: 981 6219 2839
The Setting/Subhuti’s Question
The First Flash of Lightening
The Greatest Gift
A Rose is not a Rose
Entering the Ocean of Reality
November 10 – no class
Our Deepest Understanding
Donations are appreciated.
Donations can be made through by using Jim’s email address.
For other options to offer dana contact Jim at

Happiness Is the Way Road-Retreat Sept. 18-19

The Brothers of Deer Park Monastery would like to visit and reconnect with Sanghas in the West this summer!

Brother Freedom, Brother Gem, and Brother Earth are planning a Road-Retreat in a rolling temple (aka a rented motorhome) that they have nicknamed “Dharma Wheelzzz”. Their tour will take them through 10 states including Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon and California from August 10th until September 19th 2021, driving nearly 4,500 miles in six weeks to practice together with you!

This non-residential retreat is coming to the San Francisco Bay Area!

Bay Area retreat days and times:

Saturday, Sep 18th – Sunday, Sep 19th 2021
Day 1: 9AM-7PM
Day 2: 9AM-3PM

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. We’ve been amazed at the response — so many people have signed up that we are worried we’ll exceed the capacity of our location!

If we are able to accommodate more, we will re-open the registration link.


COVID guidelines: In order to protect the sangha (including our monastic friends), we are asking all attendees to confirm that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 

In addition, we will require attendees to wear masks and to remain 6’ apart from other attendees. This is an outdoor location, which reduces risk further. And we will also be taking temperatures as people arrive. 

Suggested donation: We are asking for a suggested donation of $70 per person, most of which will go towards Deer Park. Donors have already covered the cost of renting the park. No one will be turned away for donating less, and it is also possible to give no money at all — your presence is enough. You’ll receive instructions on how to make a donation with your registration confirmation.

Refreshments: The organizers can probably provide some drinks and snacks (as well as extra masks, hand sanitizer, and basic first aid), but we you will probably need to bring your own lunches and dinners, or we may organize a potluck. More info to come on this!

Is it okay to attend just part of the retreat? Yes, you are welcome to attend only part of the retreat. Please be mindful when coming and going that you do not disturb other attendees. See below for the tentative agenda.

Tentative agenda

Saturday September 18th:

  • 09:00am Walking Meditation
  • 10:30am Dharma Talk incl. 30 min. of Sitting Meditation
  • 12:30pm Mindful Lunch (Packed Lunch)
  • 02:00pm Deep Relaxation/ Stick Exercise/ Mindful Movements
  • 03:30pm Dharma Sharing
  • 05:00pm Workshops 
  • 06:30pm Mindful Dinner (Packed Dinner)
  • 07:00pm Social Time and End of Day

Sunday September 19th:

  • 09:00am Walking Meditation/ 5 MT Transmission
  • 10:30am Q&A incl. 30 min. of Sitting Meditation
  • 12:30pm Mindful Lunch (Packed Lunch)
  • 01:30pm Dharma Sharing
  • 02:30pm Closing Circle
  • 03:00pm End of Retreat

About the Monastics

Brothers on tour (from left to right): Br. Freedom, Br. Earth, Br. Gem

Thay Ngo Khong (Brother Freedom), Dharma Teacher and acting abbot in Deer Park, was “born” in Plum Village France, practiced in Blue Cliff, NY and Deer Park. His heart’s desire is to apply the practice in order to connect with ourselves and others, and to create sacred spaces, be it physical or musical.

Brother Minh Dia (Brother Earth) is our youngest brother on the tour. Brother Earth is of Vietnamese origin, grew up in the US and is bilingual. He is a warm and super kind practitioner, loves to build siblinghood, listen to people’s life stories, enjoys nature, and riding his bicycle!

Thay Phap Con (Brother Gem), Dharma Teacher, practiced in Tu Duc Temple, Vietnam and Plum Village France, has joined the Deer Park Brothers in June 2020. Thay Phap Con speaks English and Vietnamese, has a deep understanding of Thay’s teachings and loves to play guitar.

Tour Locations

For more information about other stops on the tour, see the Deer Park website.

Online Day of Mindfulness, Saturday May 1st

photos showing the smiling faces of Ven. Thich Tu Luc, Chan Tham Tue, and Chan Dia An

A Day of Mindfulness Practices
enhancing our connection with all that nourishes us.

Saturday, May 1st, 9:45 am to 3:50 pm
Online via Zoom

Practices will include Sitting Meditation, Mindful Movements, Guided Relaxation, Dharma Study, Eating Meditation, Speaking and Listening in peaceful harmony.

Please E-Mail, Call, or Designate “Going” (Facebook) if you intend to join with this day: , 707-330-0890
FaceBook Event: Compassionate Heart Listening

Please commit to any or all of the three sessions being offered:

9:45 – 11:30 Sitting Meditation, Mindful Movements, Total Relaxation
12:00 – 1:15 Silent Meal, Casual Group Conversation
1:30 – 3:50 Dharma Talk , Discussion

Please prepare your practice space to be as serene as possible. Smiling with knowledge that dogs will bark, phones will ring, family/friends may interrupt. Such is the nature of online mindfulness practice.

with Dharmacharyas of the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism:
Ven. Thích Từ Lực
Chân Thâm Tuệ (Chau Yoder)
Chân Địa An (John Salerno-White)

Online Sutra Study Course Starting April 28

7:00 – 8:30 PM PST

recurring link:
Phone: 1 669 900-6833
Meeting ID: 981 6219 2839

Donations are appreciated. Contact Jim to learn how to make a donation at

We begin with a short silent sit followed by an exploration of the Sutra and Dharma discussion. Text and commentary are in Awakening of the Heart, by Thich Nhat Hanh.


APRIL 28 Thundering Silence; Arittha’s Misunderstanding

MAY 5 Sense Pleasures as Disasters; Catching a Snake

MAY 12 The Raft is Not the Shore

MAY 19 Breaking the Bonds

MAY 26 No-Self

JUNE 2 The Non-Achieved and the Non-Expressed

JUNE 9 Impermanence

JUNE 16 Nirvana

JUNE 23 Treating Wrong Understanding

JUNE 30 Living Wisdom

Sutra Course with Jim Scott-Behrends


The Heart Sangha of Santa Cruz and Mindful Peacebuilding


Dharma Teacher Jim Scott-Behrends



February 3, 2021 – March 24, 2021
7:00 – 8:30 PM


We will begin with ten minutes of silent sitting,followed by an exploration of the Sutra and Dharma discussion.Text and commentary can be found in Awakening of the Heart, by Thich Nhat Hanh


WEEK 1 / Feb. 1 Introduction to the Sutra
WEEK 2 / Feb. 8 What Does it Mean to Live Alone?
WEEK 3 / Feb. 18 Great Peace in Solitude
Putting the Teachings of the Buddha into Practice
WEEK 4/ Feb. 24 Awake and Alone; Tied Up Inside
WEEK 5 / March 3 Standing Firmly; Future Ghosts
WEEK 6 / March 10 Smiling Within; Life is a Path
WEEK 7 / March 17 Peace, Freedom and Joy; Transcending Birth and Death
WEEK 8 / March 24 Sharing the Practice


Phone: 1 669 900-6833

Meeting ID: 981 6219 2839
Donations are Appreciated

Contact Jim for information:

New Year’s Retreat: Becoming Thousands of Lamps

December 30, 2020 – January 3, 2021
online with Sugarplum Sangha
suggested donation: $50 – $200

Looking back on the past year, gratitude overflows for the people, communities, and teachings that have been there through the challenges and hardships faced by the whole world. Thanks to the right mix of tradition and Beginner’s Mind, supported by the presence of teachers and friends on the path, this year has offered us an opportunity for spiritual growth unlike any other in recent memory.

Plum Village has preserved the ancient tradition of lamp transmission, a ceremonial expression of the light of wisdom being passed from one generation to the next. As we look ahead to next year and beyond, we know that we can be faced with even greater challenges that call us to stand together with dedication and grace. In those moments, it will be the light we shine today that future generations look to for hope and guidance.

In this retreat, we’ll enjoy:

  • Formal Transmission of the Five Mindfulness Trainings
  • Writing Insight Gathas
  • Teachings on the lineage of Plum Village lamp transmissions
  • Sitting Meditation
  • Dharma Sharing
  • Chanting

Click below for the retreat schedule and registration
More Info