Here is the information regarding an upcoming online sutra study class (co-taught by Dharma Teacher Jim Scott-Behrends)
Please share with your Sanghas.
Participants are not required to attend the whole course.
Awakening of the Heart
A series of courses in the essential Buddhist Sutras
Course One: The Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing
Jim Scott-Behrends will teach this 8-week course with Co-Host Zachiah Murray (Order of Interbeing Member). Our ZOOM class will begin with ten minutes of silent sitting followed by an exploration of the sutra and Dharma discussion. This sutra provides the basic path into the heart of the Buddha’s teaching.
Time: June 3, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM PST
Phone: 1 669 900-6833
Meeting ID: 918 2682 3703
Donations are Appreciated
Donation Options
Venmo: @Jim-Scott-Behrends
Checks: Jim Scott-Behrends, 686 Amesti Rd. Watsonville, CA 95076
For more information:
Click here to download a PDF of this flyer.