Dear larger bay area sangha,
Sending you loving energy in this time of hurt with recent violence in our collective consciousness. On behalf of couples sangha, we invite partnered practitioners to come practice with us to build a beloved, intergenerational, mixed heritage, LGBQTIA+ friendly sangha here in Northern Cal.
We meet virtually Sundays from 7-8:30 pm and in person at a practitioner’s home the last Sunday of the month. Inviting you to come check us out if this peaks your curiosity and if you’re looking to practice with your partners. Please email me to be added to our listserv and to receive weekly zoom links/updates!
Eric and I will be hosting this Sunday 1/29. A note for younger practitioners: Eric and I have been the youngest couple (age wise) in the sangha for several years and are ready to give up that title. 😉
Please share with your sanghas!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 5287 3463
Passcode: together
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88652873463# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,88652873463# US (Houston)
Looking forward to meeting you,
Kim & couples sangha