A Day of Mindfulness Practices
enhancing our connection with all that nourishes us.
Saturday, May 1st, 9:45 am to 3:50 pm
Online via Zoom
Practices will include Sitting Meditation, Mindful Movements, Guided Relaxation, Dharma Study, Eating Meditation, Speaking and Listening in peaceful harmony.
Please E-Mail, Call, or Designate “Going” (Facebook) if you intend to join with this day:
PhoTriDOMs@gmail.com , 707-330-0890
FaceBook Event: Compassionate Heart Listening
Please commit to any or all of the three sessions being offered:
9:45 – 11:30 Sitting Meditation, Mindful Movements, Total Relaxation
12:00 – 1:15 Silent Meal, Casual Group Conversation
1:30 – 3:50 Dharma Talk , Discussion
Please prepare your practice space to be as serene as possible. Smiling with knowledge that dogs will bark, phones will ring, family/friends may interrupt. Such is the nature of online mindfulness practice.
with Dharmacharyas of the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism:
Ven. Thích Từ Lực
Chân Thâm Tuệ (Chau Yoder)
Chân Địa An (John Salerno-White)