Santa Cruz Mountains Day of Mindfulness

Udumbara Retreat Center / Duc Vien Tinh Uyen 21055 Summit Road, Los Gatos, CA, United States

Please save the date for this Day of Mindfulness coming up on October 12, at a beautiful monastery in the Santa Cruz mountains. There will be an opportunity to receive, or renew, the Five Mindfulness Trainings in a special Transmission Ceremony. If you would like to participate in planning please contact Jim Scott-Behrends at More information will


Shantideva Sangha Gathering

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

We invite anyone in the community to join our practice from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following dates: July 20, September 7, October 19, and November 16. (Note: usually the third Saturday of each month.) For October 19, we are adding an optional recitation of the 14 Mindfulness Trainings to our afternoon schedule,


Veteran’s Day Weekend Retreat

Quaker Center Ben Lomond, California, United States

We are delighted to invite you to register for the Winter 2024 retreat held at the Quaker Center in Ben Lomond, California (80 miles from the Bay Area). The retreat will take place from Saturday, November 9 - Monday, November 11, with an option to arrive on Friday, November 8 for an additional cost. All

$300 – $400

14 Mindfulness Trainings Transmission

Deer Park Monastery 2499 Melru Lane, Escondido, CA, United States

Deer Park has announced that there will be a Fourteen Mindfulness Training Transmission Ceremony in English with Vietnamese and Spanish translations at Deer Park Monastery on Sunday, November 17, 2024. If you have been an Order of Interbeing aspirant for a few years and your mentors determine you are ripe and solid enough, you may

Shantideva Sangha Gathering

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

We invite anyone in the community to join our practice from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following dates: July 20, September 7, October 19, and November 30. (Note: we changed the November date to Nov. 30.) Our aspiration is that Shantideva will become a resource and anchor for our broad and diverse community


Shantideva Sangha Gathering

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

We invite anyone in the community to join our practice from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on December 14. We aspire that Shantideva will become a resource and anchor for our broad and diverse Bay Area and Northern California community.  Gathering at Shantideva is a chance for people from our many different sanghas to practice

Ceremony for Thích Nhất Hạnh’s 3rd Anniversary

Chua Pho Tu / Compassion Meditation Center 17327 Meekland Avenue, Hayward, California, United States

Ven. Thích Tu Luc invites the community to a bilingual ceremony to commemorate Thích Nhất Hạnh on the third anniversary of his continuation. Schedule: Monastics Present: Compassion Meditation Center: Thầy Từ Lực, Ni sư Ngộ Tánh, SC Tịnh Minh, SCPhổ Thanh (more to be added later).


Being Peace: A Day of Mindfulness Hosted by Home Within Sangha

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Shantideva Monastery, Castro Valley Thich Nhat Hanh taught that “there is no way to peace; peace is the way.” You are invited to join us for a day of practice on the topic of “Being Peace” - grounding in Plum Village practices and cultivating our inner peace to offer ourselves and our communities.  We will


Vacaville Day of Mindfulness

Pho Tri Wisdom Meditation School 7233 Pleasants Valley Road, Vacaville, California, United States

Save the date for a Day of Mindfulness at Pho Tri Wisdom Meditation School in Vacaville. Details TBA later!

Santa Cruz Mountains Day of Mindfulness

Udumbara Retreat Center / Duc Vien Tinh Uyen 21055 Summit Road, Los Gatos, CA, United States

Save the date for a Day of Mindfulness in the Santa Cruz hills, at Udumbara Retreat Center. More information TBA!


Vesak Day of Mindfulness

Shantideva Monastery 30345 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, California, United States

Please join us for a bilingual Vietnamese-English celebration of Buddha's Birthday (Vesak), including the ceremony of bathing the Baby Buddha. More details TBA!
