
Welcome! This website exists to share information and foster connections among the broad community of practitioners in the Plum Village tradition throughout Northern California.

We know you are there, and it makes us very happy.

About this site

The Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism is the practice community and tradition founded by Thich Nhat Hanh.

There are many sanghas (communities) practicing in this tradition throughout Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area.

With this website, we hope to foster greater connections among those many sanghas. And we will share information about sangha events (Days of Mindfulness, retreats, etc.) with the broad community of practitioners.

This website is currently managed by Dylan (True Ocean Light / Clear Insight of the Heart): dylan ~at~ tweney dot com.

Most of the photos on this site are from Renee Burgard at Flowering Tree Sangha or from Jonathan Borella and My Tong at Sugarplum Sangha.

News & Events

Email List

The Norcal Sangha email list is for announcements about Plum Village / Community of Mindful Living events in the Bay Area and Northern California.

This list has over 200 subscribers, including people from most (but not all) Northern California sanghas. We encourage subscribers to share any announcements with their sanghas and friends.

If you have news about local sangha events in the Plum Village tradition, this list is a good way to start sharing the news with the community.

If you are part of this community, subscribing to this list is a good way to learn about upcoming events.

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